The project obtained the following innovative achievements: 1.Engraulis japonicasresources and fishing grounds investigation, i.e. successfully assessed the abundance (3000,000 tons), the total allowable catch (500,000 tons) ofEngraulis japonicasin the Yellow Sea and East China Sea by acoustic method , calculated the target reflection intensity ofEngraulis japonicasfor the first time. Found out the migration and distribution patterns ofEngraulis japonicasin the Yellow Sea and East China Sea during autumn and winter. 2. Fishery biology study ofEngraulis japonicas,i.e. comprehensively and systematically studied the age, growth, mortality, stock composition, reproduction, feeding and other fishery biological characteristics ofEngraulis japonicas.3. Studies on the midwater trawling techniques ofEngraulis japonicas, i.e. designed four-panel and six-panel midwater trawls with better catch performance, and established a technology for net control and aimed fishing midwater trawling. The project filled the gap in acoustic stock assessment method for fisheries in China, and enabled China to be one of the advanced country on fishery stock assessment in the world. The success of the midwater trawling experiment for catchingEngraulis japonicasdeveloped a new way for marine fishing in China, especially provided an effective method of fishing pelagic fish and fish with obvious diurnal vertical migration character. The exploitation ofEngraulis japonicasreduced the fishing pressure and had a positive impact on the restoration of the declined demersal fish stocks in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea.