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YSFRI Received Two Marine Science Awards

Recently, the State Oceanic Administration announced the 2015 annual awards for Marine Scientific and Technological achievements. Two achievements are listed in Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute (YSFRI), including “Demonstration on key technology and application to the conservation of biological resources in Yellow Sea and the Bohai sea" and “Cultivation and promotion of a new variety of edible kelp ‘Huang Guan No.1’”, presided over its completion by Prof. Jin Xianshi and Prof. Wang Feijiu respectively, won the first prize and second prize for Marine Scientific and Technological achievements separately.

The first project was targeted with national needs and industry needs, conducting study on proliferation and ecological basis of fishery resources in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea. Faced with the common and key technical problems in the proliferation and conservation of fishery resources, it helped developing technology, working out standards and making the integration of innovation and demonstration; it also formed theory, methods and techniques of important fishery resource conservation and sustainable use in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea, established four ecological restoration demonstration areas and five restocking demonstration areas, provided technical support for the sound and sustainable development of fisheries proliferation. A total of 99 papers were published in this project , covering 21 SCI, 3 monographs, 2 copyright for software, and 17 patents; it also developed 11 standards or regulations, held 36 training courses and trained more than 2,300 fishermen.

The second project, on the basis of such outstanding problems as lack of high quality varieties of edible kelp, selected the individuals with good traits in the wild or farmed kelp populations nationwide by means of crossing, selfing, integrated breeding and assisted breeding with molecular marker and other means, establishing pedigree, and ultimately directed breeding edible kelp seed 1 - named "Huang Guan No. 1" ( Registration Number:GS-01-006-2011), which is widely adapted by coastal aquaculture environment ranging from Liaoning, Shandong to Fujian Provinces, with its high yield, its fresh weight yield reached at 26.7 tons per Mu, more than 27% of the average yield of common kelp. Through the project, a selected seed nursery and farming demonstration base was established in Fujian province; 16 papers were published including 7 SCI, 2 patents were authorized, and 7 standards or procedures were issued.

It is reported that a total of 25 achievements of Marine Scientific and Technological research bear the palm in 2015, including a Grand Prize, 6 first prizes, and 18 second prizes.