2011.09-2015.07 扬州大学,本科
2015.09-2018.07 南京农业大学,硕士
2018.09-2021.07 上海海洋大学,博士
2021.07至今 黄海水产研究所,助理研究员
GuangLiang Teng, Xianshi Jin, Xiujuan Shan*, et al. Is seafloor litter contributing to sea anemone blooms?Science of Total Environment. 2021, 759: 143479.
GuangLiang Teng, Xiujuan Shan, Xianshi Jin*. et al. Marine litter on the seafloor of the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and northern East China Sea.Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2021, 169: 112516.
GuangLiang Teng, Weiqing Huang, Xiujuan Shan*, et al. Morphological changes and variations in Na+/K+-ATPase activity in the gills of juvenile large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea) at low salinity.Aquaculture and Fisheries.2022,7: 313–320.
Tingting Xu, Xiujuan Shan, Yingxia Li,Guangliang Teng, et al. White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infection in wild crustaceans in the Bohai Sea.Aquaculture, 2021, 542: 736810.
Zhao,Yongsong, TaoYang, Xiujuan Shan, Xianshi Jin,Guangliang Teng, Chao Wei. Stable Isotope Analysis of Food Web Structure and the Contribution of Carbon Sources in the Sea Adjacent to the Miaodao Archipelago (China).Fishes. 2022; 7(1):32.
滕广亮,单秀娟*, 金显仕, 戴芳群, 陈云龙, 杨涛. 黄海高眼鲽卵巢发育特征及卵径分布. 渔业科学进展, 2018, 39(1): 12–20;
徐婷婷,滕广亮,李英瑕,吴强,单秀娟,张庆利,金显仕. 基于GFM和GAMM模型分析WSSV对黄海和东海北部水域虾类生物量的影响. 渔业科学进展, 2022, 43(1): 46–55.
杨涛, 单秀娟, 金显仕, 陈云龙,滕广亮, 魏秀锦. 莱州湾春季鱼类群落关键种的长期变化. 渔业科学进展, 2018, 39(1): 01–11.